Course Statistics
Tees | Rating | Slope | Yardage |
Black | 74.3 | 135 | 7,172 |
Gold | 71.6 | 126 | 6,653 |
Garnet (M) | 68.9 | 116 | 6,035 |
Garnet (W) | 74.3 | 130 | 6,035 |
Green (M) | 64.8 | 107 | 5,228 |
Green (W) | 70.2 | 117 | 5,228 |
Blue | 66.2 | 103 | 4,521 |
Wee | – | – | 2,696 |
Course Architect
Fred Couples & Gene Bates, 2002
Audubon International
SouthWood Golf Club is certified as Cooperative Sanctuary by Audubon International.
The course is committed to protecting our local environment, conserving natural resources, and providing wildlife habitats.